how to organise a file

I have a file with only one record and the file size would be around 80 MB.

Is there a way, where I can read and write this to a file with only 80bytes in each row

Have you tried the fold command?

Check your man page for the options.

I forgot the command. I could get the result now...Thanks

Assuming that this file consists solely of ascii printable characters and there are no line-feed characters anywhere in the file we should be able to use "dd" to produce a file with 80 character fixed-length records with each record terminated with a line-feed. If the file is not an exact multiple of 80 bytes be sure to check the last two records very carefully.
This approach is of little value for binary files.

dd if=inputfile.txt of=outputfile.txt obs=80 cbs=80 conv=unblock

It can be easier to write a program in the programming language which wrote the file to create the file in a more useful format. Or use the original programming language to read back the file and convert it.

Check any syntax against your Operating System. It always helps to know what you have.