How to modify an existing pdf with unix shell commands

I know that to create a pdf file I can use the txt2pdf command.
But if I would change an existing pdf file, by inserting lines in particular positions of this file, what can I use? And How?

Please specify as much relevant information as you can,
such as sample of the input file and the output you expect.

you can download tools, or use a programming language like Python, or Perl (others as well) that supports pdf libraries.
for perl, you can search CPAN for pdf modules. For python, you can use reportlab or pdftools , among others as well..

I have a software written in Unibasic Language ((, and usually I send the output of an elaboration to a printer using the lp command.
A client of mine have asked to send the output of this elaboration to an existing pdf file (that has a banner and a footer), modifying therefore the pdf file in the central part (adding the result of this elaboration.

I can send first the result to a text file and then i could insert this result (in the text file form) in the middle of the pdf file. I don't know Python, but i know a little Perl. Nevertheless, Idon't know if Unibasic may manage the Perl language.

Alternatively, I could create the pdf file from zero, inserting the banner and then the text result.