How to minus 2 month from current date?

I am running a script in ksh to get the 2 months back date from system date.The below code is giving correct date output from putty command prompt.But while running the script is .ksh file it is giving the error below.Please suggest.

newdate=$(echo 2 | awk -v date="$(date "+%m %d %Y")" -v OFS="/" '
split(date, a); m=a[1]; d=a[2]; y=a[3]
while(m < 1) {m+=12; y--}
printf("%02d%s%02d%s%s\n", m, OFS, d, OFS, y)}')
echo "\$\$FROMDATE="$newdate > /usr/local/infadev/LkpFiles/EXT_CROSS_REF_weekly_param.txt

exit 0]

/usr/local/infadev[instipcd] > ksh -x test.ksh
+ + echo 2
+ date +%m %d %Y
+ awk -v date=03 27 2014 -v OFS=/
split(date, a); m=a[1]; d=a[2]; y=a[3]
while(m < 1) {m+=12; y--}
printf("%02d%s%02d%s%s\n", m, OFS, d, OFS, y)}
 Syntax Error The source line is 1.
 The error context is
 <<<             >>>
 awk: 0602-500 Quitting The source line is 1.
+ echo $$FROMDATE=
+ 1> /usr/local/infadev/LkpFiles/EXT_CROSS_REF_weekly_param.txt
test.ksh[9]: ^M:  not found.
+ exit 0 

If this is Homework, then you are to comply with the special rules here, like filling the given template...
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