How to merge Expect script inside shell script?

Hi I have two scripts one is Expect and other is shell.

I want to merge Expect code in to Shell script so that i can run it using only one script. Can somebody help me out ?

Order to execute: Run first and then when installation completes run shell script.

set ViPR_HOSTNAME [lindex $argv 0]
set timeout 300

cd /root/cli-build
system "rm -rf /opt/storageos/cli/*"

sleep 5
system "wget https://$ViPR_HOSTNAME:4443/cli --no-check-certificate --content-disposition"
sleep 5
system "tar -xvf ViPR-cli.tar.gz"
sleep 5
spawn "python" "" "install"
sleep 5
expect "Installation Directory " { send " \r" }
sleep 5
expect "ViPR host " { send "$ViPR_HOSTNAME\r" }
sleep 5
expect "ViPR port " { send " \r" }
sleep 300
system "rm -rf /root/cli-build/ViPR-cli.tar.gz"


echo $1
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/apache-maven-2.2.1/bin
export M2_HOME=/opt/apache-maven-2.2.1
sed -i s/VIPR_HOSTNAME=\.\*/VIPR_HOSTNAME=$1/g /opt/storageos/cli/viprcli.profile
source /opt/storageos/cli/viprcli.profile
/opt/apache-maven-2.2.1/bin/mvn clean
/opt/apache-maven-2.2.1/bin/mvn test
exit 0

Here while executing both the script takes same argument i.e. IP address.

You cannot 'have' 2 different script languages within 1 file to execute.
However, you can start the expect script from your shell script, but not otherwise..

So you can start the expect script passing the internal variables from the shell script.

Hope this helps