How to manage parameter in alias?

I make alias in bashrc file and typed it on prompt,

alias tes='echo "$1"xx"$2"xxx"$3"xxxx'

$ tes a b c
xxxxxxxxx a b c

what's happened to the shell here ?, and also,

alias tes='echo "$3"xx"$2"xxx"$1"xxxx

$ tes a b c
xxxxxxxxx a b c

anyone sincerely is to help me..

man bash :

Here is a simple example for what works the way you seem to want - with a function -
On the command line ---- note the continuation characters which you do not enter, bash displays them.

 $ tes2()
> {
> echo "arg=$1"
> }
$ tes2 Hi

The .bashrc that comes with your distro usually has several functions in it it - you can
see what is involved.