How to make this work

Dear All,

I want acces my folder that name Log , that throught /export/home/hmi/bin/log.
I want direct to Log folder.
When I try using alias, i'm login as root:
>alias logfile='cd /export/home/hmi/bin/Log'
and when I execute
> logfile
this is work,
but after I logout and login again as root, i try again but this is not work.
how to make script for my case..?
Sorry if this bad question.

Thank you for your help



put the alias command in your .bashrc or .bash_profile under your home directory.

That's correct for the bash shell.
for ksh, add it to .profile in your home directory.
For other shells, look at their man pages.

That's work
I'm using KSH, and I was put that alias in .profile at home directory,
now I want create script for list the file in Log directory
I'm try write script with name logfiew

>>cat <<EOF>logfiew
>> logfile
>> ls -al
>> EOF
>>chmod +x logfiew

logfile is alias for "cd /export/home/bin/Log'
but thereis not work, when i execute logfiew

that right script??

thank you

