How to make a script that logs bandwidth on a specific port?

I have a script that runs right before a daily reboot that captures the amount of MB transmitted up and pulled down since last reboot.

echo `date +"%m-%d-%y"``grep eth0 /proc/net/dev | awk '{print ","$2/1024/1024","$10/1024/1024}'`>>/home/nick/bandwidth.log

In looking at the raw output of /proc/net/dev, I know that this particular script will only yield the info on a Ethernet device. Is there any way to write a script that does something like this per port? I'd like to know, how much bandwidth is being consumed by the web pages being hosted on port 80 vs. the Minecraft server being hosted on port 25565.

Thanks in advance!

You might want to give ntop a go it's a bit like the top command but for the network, with graphs/history and more:


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