How to make a script executable by all users?

I have a script in my home direcroty which upon execution gives the essential system information like memory,cpu etc and is currently owned by root:root. Now I want to see that every non root user will run this file and grab the reqired system info. I know this is some thing associated with chown command and linking the particular file to one of the directories in the PATH variable. Of course I have symbolically linked this file to /usr/lcoal/bin which is included in the PATH variable.In fact I have done this before and forgotten the procedure.

Thanks in advance for your help.

The easy way:

When we�re talking about solaris , the root home dir is /.
So lets assume the script name is /

# ln -s / /usr/bin/sysinfo

# chmod +x /

Now a non root user can run "sysinfo"

Hi networkfre@k

You are great. I got it. Let me point out my own mistake.
I was trying with chmod u+x <scriptname> instead of
chmod +x <scriptname>.

Once again thanks a lot