How to make a .exe file executable in Linux?

Dear all,
I download a .exe file in my current folder called: ukbmd5.exe. I was told to run the command below: ukbmd5 ukb25278.enc to verify the integrity of the files that you have downloaded and the program ukbmd5 has been made available to assist with decrpying ukb25278.enc.
while when I run 'ukbmd5 ukb25278.enc', I was told the command was not found. Should I make the ukbmd5.exe file executable first? how to do that? thank you very much for your help!

Exactly which operating system did you download the file to?

A file having a .exe extension implies (but only implies) that it's a Windows file, not a Linux one. You won't be able to natively run that on a Linux system.

If you're on Linux, what does

file ukbmd5.exe

show you?

Where did "ukbmd5.enc" come from in all of this? Apart from the UK register for births, marriages and deaths, I really don't know what UKBMD is :slight_smile:

Making any file "executable" on Linux is easy (e.g. with the chmod command), but that doesn't mean it can be executed.