how to loop through non-empty files with shell script on AIX

I have av script that loops through some statistic files to create a report. We would like to only loop through non-empty files as these files create an empty report-line.
I have figured out how to find the non-empty files, but not how to loop through only those files.
Here is the code that finds the non-empty files:
find stat.* -type f -size +1;

My current loop looks somewhat like this:
for i in stat.* ; do
echo $i

Just combine those two:

for i in `find stat.* -type f -size +1` ; do
    echo $i

Hint for the next time: source code and listings get easier to read if you use [ code][/code ] tags (minus the spaces)

Thanks for the quick reply. I also found this solution.

Files=`find stat.* -type f -size +1`;
for i in $Files
  echo $i

which is just the same. I thought I had tried your solution, but maybe I forgot the `` .

I suggest that you change stat.* to stat.\*

for i in stat.* ; do
[[ -s $i ]] && echo $i # That works too