How to logout


I am using UNIX version.

I am writing a script which on certain condition should logout of unix.

But with exit command i am not able to get this..

Plz suggest how i should logout of the session directly.

kill -9 $$

Can you explain a little more?

Try starting the script with an "exec", then "exit" should log you out.

or put an exit in your script
and start your shell with

You want the script to logout of UNIX?

In your script...

kill -9 $PPID

I've never wanted to do this, but it might work...

(it does kinda assume that the parent process is the login one)

Basically you need to find the PID of the "-ksh", "-bash", or whatever process that's your login process - and kill it.

If your want to make sure the script always logs out once it's done, add something like

trap 'kill -9 $PPID' 0 1 2 9 15 16

to your script (man trap for more details)

And if it is buried under a layer of subshells ...

kill -9 `ps -o "%P"`

Hey! That's quite cool!

But you need to qualify it...


/root # 
/root # echo $0
/root # echo $$
/root # bash
/root # echo $$
/root # ps -o "%P"
/root # ps -ef | grep 13[89][95]
root     13896     1  0 18:52 ?        00:00:01 /usr/bin/Terminal
root     13897 13896  0 18:52 ?        00:00:00 gnome-pty-helper
root     13898 13896  0 18:52 pts/0    00:00:00 -ksh
root     13951 13898  0 18:54 pts/0    00:00:00 bash
root     13973 13951  0 18:55 pts/0    00:00:00 ps -ef
root     13974 13951  1 18:55 pts/0    00:00:00 grep 13[89][95]

as root, true

Hey guys, although your posts are valuable, I would like you paying more attention to your replies:
This forum is for HP-UX, the thread mentions hp-UX 11.00, so giving answers like
ps -o "%P" is innapropiate:

ard # uname -r
ard #  ps -o "%P"
ps: illegal option -- o
usage: ps [-edaflP] [-u ulist] [-g glist] [-p plist] [-t tlist] [-R prmgroup]