How to log http 404 error to a separate log file?

Apache Web Server:
how to log http 404 error to a separate log file and i do not want to log in access.log
please advice.

Please be MUCH more specific on what you are trying to do.

  • What operating system are you using?
  • Are you trying to write code in apache that will log 404 errors to a different log file than other errors?
  • Are you trying to read web pages served by apache and you want to create a log file of 404 errors you encountered while accessing pages?
  • What log file do you want to use?
  • ...
  1. What operating system are you using?
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.7 (Santiago)
  2. Are you trying to write code in apache that will log 404 errors to a different log file than other errors?
    if any users hit wrong page, the apache webserver will server 404 page, it is captured in access_log by deafualt.
    Instead, i want to write in a separate file called Notfound.log
  3. Are you trying to read web pages served by apache and you want to create a log file of 404 errors you encountered while accessing pages?
  4. What log file do you want to use?
    i want to write in a separate file called Notfound.log