How to list PATH environment variable values vertically or elegantly?

echo $PATH gives me a long one-liner list of values which is hard for me to read and make sense of:


Is there a better way, a more vertical way to get a well-sorted, maybe even numbered list of these values?

one possible way ...

echo $PATH

 echo $PATH | tr ':' '\n'
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echo -e "${PATH//:/'\n'}"
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The '\n' works in a recent bash, but is on thin ice (I think).
More clear is \\n that the shell substitutes to \n, then the echo -e substitutes the many \n to newlines.

echo -e "${PATH//:/\\n}"

Also clear is $'\n' that bash substitutes to a newline.

echo "${PATH//:/$'\n'}"

Or put a real newline:

echo "${PATH//:/

Might not look nice if the echo command were indented.

Last but not least,
echo -e substitutes some special characters in $PATH; the pure echo is more robust.