How to learn kubernetes for free?

I am not talking about learning kubernetes. I am not talking about a video course for free. Instead I am talking about how can I practice it for free?
I need at minimum of 3 nodes(1 master, 2 slaves). Problem is that it causes lots of trouble with CPU, cpu gets lock up.

I do have a spare laptop and will try to learn it there. But are there any cheaper alternatives? I genuinely don't think so.

  • Minikube
    Problem is it only support single node cluster(That's what I've heard), so probably it means I can do only master node.

  • digitalocean

being from nepal, i was unable to get digital ocean credentials.

these k8s skills not being very important for my job, I don't get permission to learn from office (they're not buying any subscriptions for me).

Have you looked at Freecodecamp?

Use Docker to mimic nodes.

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I didn't get by what you mean by use docker to mimic nodes.

Suggest you do some basic searching on line for the term and examples of ....
searching for - docker mimic nodes returns lots of matches ...

in order to learn - not taking advantage of free courses/videos is definitely a way to make life more difficult, leverage the time and effort others have put in to sharing their experiences/expertise
given the breadth of the subject matter not bothering to find out about concepts etc is a poor attitutde and destined to leave you with a similar outcome.

doing and knowing are not the same thing !

happy learning !

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Personally i use libvirt/qemu/kvm with openvswitch for LAB stuff, and has been serving me quite well since well.. i had my last haircut (and trust me that was long time ago).

A 3 node kubernetes cluster (and more) should be doable on any newish laptop without any noticeable issues.

On workstations today much more.

What are your specifications (cpu, memory) and what type of kubernetes you trying to install ?

Talos linux or vanilla k8s on should work fine, but say rhel openshift will not :slight_smile:
Just don't install full blown GUI distro, but rather use minimal install for VMs.

Minikube is not 'only master node', it is a fully funcional kubernetes environment on which you can install/schedule pods just as on any other k8s cluster.
From developer perspective it is same as full blown multinode setup as far as deploying stuff goes.



My specs are i5 core CPU, 16GB RAM, 1TB crucial 2.5'' sata ssd.