How to launch results of a pipe?

Good afternoon,
I have just messed up and deleted some directories on my UNIX machine.
I would now want to know which packages are impacted by this. Therefore I have a look in the file "/var/sadm/install/contents" (which contains the filenames/directory names for each installation package). After this, I add "ls " in front and "1>/dev/null" at the back, so I get following result:

$grep "<Package>" /var/sadm/install/contents | awk {'print "ls " $1 " 1>/dev/null"'}
ls /usr/3rdpty/ant/lib/ant.jar 1>/dev/null
ls /usr/3rdpty/ant/lib/xercesImpl.jar 1>/dev/null
ls /usr/3rdpty/ant/lib/xml-apis.jar 1>/dev/null
Now I would like to launch those "ls" commands. The idea is the following:
$ls <existing file> 1>/dev/null
$ls <non-existing file> 1>/dev/null
<non-existing file>: No such file or directory

=> I intend only to see which files/directories have been erased that belong to the package. When there are none, nothing needs to be done. When there are some, the package needs to be re-installed.

In order to do this, I need to launch the "ls ..." output.
I have already tried using a "| eval" behind it, but this does not work.
Does anybody have an idea?


If this is Solaris, then you can use pkgchk <Package> to check which files are missing.

Thanks a lot, this is indeed far more easy :o