How to install system resource monitoring utilities?

Hello Experts,

Topas, nmon, vmon & top monitoring tool not working.

We use above AIX utilities to identify cpu and memory usage. I can execute the topas but on execution I receive "SpmiCreateStatSet can't create StatSet" message & no output.

I use AIX 5.3, TL3.

Please assist to restore these utilities.

Thank you,

Search for Linux toolbox for AIX.

it's time to ask your boss using IBM system director XD

Sorry, but that is no solution. Thread O/P gave a problem and an error message and this hints to something not working (correctly). If this is the case you better fix it instead of just trying to "work around" the error. Chances are the problem comes back hounting you at some very unwelcome point in time.

(Btw.: this is a general advice which is true regardless of the problem at hand. It is never a good idea to ignore/work around errors or just make symptoms go away.)

Coming back to O/Ps problem: try to delete "/etc/Spmi_shm_hook" and/or "/tmp/Spmi_shm_hook".

If this doesn't work:

root@system # ipcs -m    # look for any segments beginning with 0x78
root@system # ipcrm -m <these segments ids>
root@system # slibclean

I hope this helps.


@ bakunin -

Thank you very much for the answer. It works well with my system.

Finally I am able to use all utilities again :b:

I stopped looking into it for while :rolleyes: and created new utility called "cpu" for finding defunct cpu process.

ps -eFuname="",pcpu="",args="" | sort +1 -r -n -d | more