How to install Solaris 9 on X86

HI All,

I have three solaris disks: disk 1 & 2 and "image" disk.

However, no instructions for installation on x86 came with them. (I downloaded from SUN.)

I've searched far and wide on the net trying to find instructions for installing Solaris on my PII 500 mhz intel machine, but have found nothing.

Does anyone know how to install Solaris 9 either form CDROM or make boot disks?

Thank you, Jared

just inser the cd and boot....
it is explained well......
carefull: solaris tries to install into your linuxswap partition...
(would be a question for our new solaris forum.....)

Thanks. That link was exactly what I needed! The key is not installing the full version, but instead installing the developer edition and then setup network settings one by one. Thanks again. -Jared

Does it mean it is better install Solaris first and then Linux? More question: if people wants to install multi-OS in their box, such as BSD, Solaris, and Linux, etc.., Which priority installation order is better: BSD first? Solaris? or Linux?

JaredsNew do u have solaris 9 for Intel

I have 8 put i would like version 9 for intel.

Do u have the CD's I have the cram sessions for solaris 9 if you would like that in exchange.

Hey, I'd be interested in trading for the cram session.

Do you have broadband?

yeah ok, Here is my e-mail

I can send u the cram sessions, they are in PDF format.

Now I can download those CD at work over the internet at work, send me a link, we have a 2gig line for internet here so it will be fast.

Thanks for that.

Just e-mail me for more details