How to install perl modules

Hi. i installed perl in my D: drive(windows xp).When im trying to install module( or any module for tat matter ) it is getting installed in 'c:\temp\please run installed script' folder no matter from where ever i run the ppm installation.The path variable is set to d:\perl\bin... any idea y this is happening ?

Paraphrased from the PPM FAQ

A new Perl library location can be defined with the PERL5LIB environment variable. PPM will recognize this library as an install area. To create a new, user-writable install area: (1) Make a directory for the library, for example: \perl\lib. (2) Set or modify the PERL5LIB environment variable to point to this directory. (3) Launch PPM and click the PPM Preferences button. In the Area tab, select the new install area to make it active.

Thanks for the reply fpmurphy. But why are these modules getting installed in "...please run the installed script...." folder ????

if you use the PPM GUI there should be an option for where to install the module.