How to install Midnight Commander on Solaris 10

Hi, im very newb in Solaris. I have install So10. Now i just try install the first software Midnight Commander and fails. I just do as follow

  • i read the INSTALL file but there no 'make' command for Solaris :(, i have find this error on Google but there's no result. I stuck, please help me. Thank you for reading.

Why are you running "./configure". This is for compiling from the source which is unnecessary given the fact you already installed the binaries.

Just set you PATH if not already done to have mc in it, with ksh or bash:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin

oh i got it!!! thank you so much haha.

But i have something not clearly, I mean the general steps of a software installation process in Unix?

I see the mc-4.6.1.tar.gz is the source program. After compiling its release binary file. But is binary file similar with the packets ? At last can u explain me what the $PATH variable mean?

A package can contain different kind of files. The ones you downloaded and installed contain the binary files indeed.

About the PATH variable, it contains a comma separated list of directories where programs are searched when you only give their names and not their full path from the command line.

You should really ask that kind of questions not in a Solaris specific forum but in that one:
UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers - The UNIX and Linux Forums

Have you tried the site "blastwave"? It has lots of binary packages for download, without compiling.

i just tried, anyways thank you for your supports :smiley: