How to install gcc compiler on AIX?

I want to install gcc compiler on aix box.
$uname -a
AIX GTMIT 3 5 000000000000

Can any one help me installing gcc compiler(step by step)either by smit or rpm commands ?
What is boot straping ?

Its urgent ..

Thanks in advance

  1. fire up "man rpm"

  2. read what stands there

  3. make sure you have root authority

  4. Do what you have read

A typo. As i assume you mean "bootstrapping" there are several possible meanings of this:

  1. A machines starting process, especially the start of the operating system. This is usually called "booting" which is a shortening version of "bootstrapping".

  2. The process of refining a compiler by compiling the compilers source code with the compiler itself over and over again.

  3. The process of fastening the shoelace of boots in order to make the walking process easier.

You could have found that out easily by consulting the Eternal Well of Internet Wisdom, called "google", which would, after being worshipped by the arcane chant "bootstrapping definition", have come up with the verdict:

Bootstrapping - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah, sure.....



Search the gcc* packages in AIX installation media CDs or DVD.
Mount the media
Access the gcc directory on media.

# smitty installp

Enable the license option to yes.
The gcc package will be installed.