How to install and uninstall apache on Red Hat Linux 5

Hi All,

I installed Linus on virtual PC on my system.

I want to configure apache on it.

Also i want to install nagios and want to access through web broser from my system.

How can I do this.

Kindly provide soln its required urgently......... plsssssssssssssssss

To install/turn on apache:

yum install httpd
chkconfig httpd on
service httpd start

For Nagios, go to Nagios Enterprises


ya its ok with apache installation.
But how can i access the web page thruogh my local system where Linux is on Virtual PC...

I am getting error when i put down http://localhost:80 in web browser

Use the IP address that VirtualPC assigned to the Linux VM instead of localhost.

Use the following file. It works well. I have just done it.

Install Apache 2 from Source on Linux (link removed)