How to insert new column with awk?

Hello guys,

I'm new to shell programming, I would like to insert two new columns in a space separated file having this format using awk, starting from the third row:

A B C D E F 1 ;
A B C D E F 1 ;
A B C D E F 1 ;
A B C D E F 1 ;

Basically, the resulting file should have the following format:

A B C D E F 1 ;
A B C D E F 1 ;
A B C D E F 1 ;
A B C D 00 00 E F 1 ;
A B C D 00 00 E F 1 ;

Please advise.

Any attempts / ideas / thoughts from your side?

I tried this

awk '{if (NR>=3) $4=$4" ""00"" ""00"; print }' file > file-2

Can you propose better solution?

not sure if you really meant to change the line and output it twice (if not, remove the print statement), but.......

awk 'FNR>3 {$4=$4 OFS "00" OFS "00";print}1' myFile