How to increase jvm size for solaris 10 (sparc) operating system


I have solaris 10 (sparc) operating system machine on which I have installed supported weblogic 10.3. It was installed properly. As we know weblogic uses jvm to run and uses a part of jvm memory.

But I am facing one problem in which JVM is getting crashed again and again resulting my weblogic server to stop working.

I want to know if there is we can configure some jvm parameter or something else which can increase the jvm size resulting in not getting terminated.

I am getting error message "could not allocate heap memory size". Seems this is also related to JVM only.


I am assuming you have a zone. If you are running out of heap for the jvm process, then there may be a zone cap on memory. Other settings can also affect this. It is also possible that you are actually running out of memory. So we have to go from square one.

From the global zone please post the output of (with jvm up)

prstat -Z
zonecfg -z [zone name here] info

from the zone itself please post:

swap -l

You might increase the max heap memory size allowed to the JVM by modifying the -Xmx argument passed to the java command. Of course, if you are experiencing a memory leak, that will not help that much, just make the OOM happen later.

In any case, this can' be related to zones / memory capping. Solaris doesn't over-commit memory so either the JVM doesn't start or it starts. In the latter case, the memory is already reserved so you can't have an out of memory dues to outside processes.