How to include shell script in C program


I want to call a shell script in C program
the script is : ssh -t user@remote sh /<remote>home/user/<file_name>.sh
and other several commands

C program : Call this script and the retrive the task that is been done in <file_name>.sh file

can any one tell me how to call the script


What do you mean by 'retrieve the task'?

i am retriving some file that are generated by the shell script <which is running on remote machine> to my own machine from where i am executing the .c file

So have you been able to execute the script remotely yet? You can do it via the system() call. Try something like this:

system("ssh -t user@remote sh /<remote>home/user/<file_name>.sh");
system("scp user@remote:/path/to/remote_file /path/to/local_file");

If you are being allowed to use system(), then that's all that is there to it. If not, you will have to fork and exec.

thanks it works

thanks for the info....