How to import the new service


How to import the new service which i created without root permission.
As well how we can set the uid in service.

When i import i got the following error,

svccfg import /var/svc/manifest/site/newservice.xml
svccfg: Could not create temporary service "TEMP/site/newservice" (permission de
svccfg: Import of /var/svc/manifest/site/newservice.xml failed. Progress:
svccfg: Service "site/newservice": not reached.
svccfg: Instance "newservice": not reached.


Use this as your checklist solaris 10: add new svc

Thanks,But these things can be done only by the root user.
but i need to create new bundle of service and import the service whitout root access.

The question that comes to my mind is, "why do you NOT want to import this service as root"? When stuff breaks you want root to fix it, so why not let root control what goes on with her/his server? If you are still insistent on this, ask your root to grant you RBAC rights.

The application which am going to start will not work start when we start as root.I have one more doubt,where i can mention the uid in service

SMF services have to be installed and run as root, what you can do is in the startup script (in /var/svc/method/application IIRC) do the following to run your application as a non-root user:
su - username -c commandtostartapplication

The startup script being what you call from the start section of your /var/svc/manifest/site/newservice.xml file.

Thanks for all u r help :slight_smile: