How to ignore first or last parameter

Can someone help me of doing something like this


for last; do true; done
echo $* | gammu sendsms TEXT $last

every thing is good except that when i launch the script like this

./ This is the message i want to send +63922XXXXXXX

it turned out the message of the reciepient is "This is the message i want to send +63922XXXXXXX"

it included the recipient's own number,
i tried using quote but im having problems when im using it of runtime.exec() on java so now im forced to do the script on a series of paramaters using $*

i want something like this to happen, when i execute

./ This is the message i want to send +63922XXXXXXX

i want to user only to recieve

"This is the message i want to send" and send it to +63922XXXXXXX


"This is the message i want to send +63922XXXXXXX" and sends to +63922XXXXXXXX

Why not:

./ "This is the message i want to send" +63922XXXXXXX


echo "$1" | gammu sendsms TEXT $2

The quotations are being ignored if i used it in java's
runtime.exec() function

BTW case solved thanks:)