How to grep the required part from the string?

Hi All,

I am trying to fetch the particular content from the result of grep command.

I am using

ps-ef |grep engine| awk '{print $6}' 

above statement giving me


but I want


the end part of that output. Please suggest your valuable suggestions to get that required output.

ps -ef | awk '/engine/{sub(/.*\//,x,$6); print $6}'


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Thanks ahamed, it works like a charm.

My mistake, dint mention in the first post itself.
Last word is CacheScheduler-CacheScheduler.ear

its is giving me the exact, but wanted to know if there is way to remove the.ear also from the end?

Bunch of thanks again.

ps -ef | awk '/engine/{gsub(/.*\/|\..+/,x,$6); print $6}'


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Can you post the output of (everything it gives):
ps -ef | grep engine

Hi Ahamad,

I was trying to print some of the middle value of the string like


I want CORPTEST as the output,

I was trying using SED,

sed -e '/domain/,/application/p'|ps -ef | awk '{print $12}'

but it is dipalying the whole string only.

Please post this
ps -ef | grep engine
It will help us to make a complete working script.
At the moment, we do not now where in your output string data is located.
I guess at the end of the line..


here is the output of

ps -ef | grep engine
bea    14780     1  0 Aug06 ?        00:01:06 /opt/bea/osb/5.9/bin/engine --pid --run --propFile /opt/bea/ear/domain/ELINKDEV/application/Elink_ManageProducts/Elink_ManageProducts-ManageProductsService.ear --innerProcess
bea    16264     1  0 Jul12 ?        00:10:33 /opt/bea/osb/5.9/bin/engine --pid --run --propFile /opt/bea/ear/domain/ELINKDEV/application/GenericBatchProcess/GenericBatchProcess-GenericBatchProcess.ear --innerProcess
bea    20929     1  0 Jul26 ?        00:50:35 /opt/bea/osb/5.9/bin/engine --pid --run --propFile /opt/bea/ear/domain/ELINKDEV/application/MARG0TableLookUp/MARG0TableLookUp-Marg0TableLookUp_ProcessArchive.ear --innerProcess
bea    21894     1  0 Jul05 ?        00:10:53 /opt/bea/osb/5.9/bin/engine --pid --run --propFile /opt/bea/ear/domain/ELINKDEV/application/ATLANTIS_Interface/ATLANTIS_Interface-Atlantis_ProcessArchive-1.ear --innerProcess
bea    21948     1  0 Jul31 ?        00:01:55 /opt/bea/osb/5.9/bin/engine --pid --run --propFile /opt/bea/ear/domain/ELINKDEV/application/ConsolidatedAccountCreationInterface/ConsolidatedAccountCreationInterface-ESB_ConsolidatedAccountCreationInterface_Process_Archive.ear --innerProcess
bea    31414     1  0 Apr09 ?        00:14:05 /opt/bea/osb/5.9/bin/engine --pid --run --propFile /opt/bea/ear/domain/ELINKDEV/application/EOR_Test/EOR_Test-Process_Archive.ear --innerProcess
bea    32156     1  0 Jun26 ?        00:08:53 /opt/bea/osb/5.9/bin/engine --pid --run --propFile /opt/bea/ear/domain/ELINKDEV/application/Eclipse/Eclipse-EclipseProcessArchive.ear --innerProcess
bea    32585     1  0 Jun26 ?        00:07:43 /opt/bea/osb/5.9/bin/engine --pid --run --propFile /opt/bea/ear/domain/ELINKDEV/application/Oracle_ELOA/Oracle_ELOA-Oracle_ELOA_ProcessArchive.ear --innerProcess

And from this, what is your expected output and what criteria to get it?
You like eks ELINKDEV ?
Does the output/location vary from time to time?

I also miss one line in your output
bea 22215 13041 0 09:57 pts/1 00:00:00 grep --color=auto engine

Yes Jotne, Its changing value for differnt domain, As of now I have only one domain but in higher environments , it will be multiple domains
I need value between domain and application which is the domain name. .i.e ELINKDEV

Some like this?

ps -ef | awk -F/ '/[e]ngine/ {for (i=1;i<=NF;i++){if ($i~/domain/) {print $(i+1)}}}'
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Try this... this will print both... x[1] and x[2]...

ps -ef | awk '/engine/{match($(NF-1),"domain.(.+).appl.*/(.+)\\..+",x); print x[1],x[2]}'


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Both solutions are working fine for me.. Thanks a ton for the kind help.

Can you test this to:

ps -ef | awk '/domain/ {getline;print}' RS="/"