How to Grep second word in config file using parameter?

Currently i am building one script to grep region records in the config file based on parameter and then i am creating a text file with that out put and i am reading the source file path in that out put file
now i need to pass one more parameter like module based upon that it has to create a text file

my script



#input region name
echo $region
calu=$(grep $region > ab.txt)


#loop to read the config one line at a time
while read p; do
    echo $p

    a=($(echo "$p" | tr '|' '\n'))
    echo "Region is:" "${a[0]}"
    echo "path is:""${a[3]}"
    #remove white space before path
    echo $cwd
    NO_LEAD_SPACE="$(echo -e $path | tr -d '[:space:]')"
    echo "path is:"$NO_LEAD_SPACE
# change to path spacified in the config file
    sh -c 'cd $NO_LEAD_SPACE && echo "in the subshell" && echo $pwd && echo "exit subshell" && exec pwd'
    echo $cwd
    echo "--------------------"
done < ab.txt

echo "abc"

my config file

region | Module |country code | filepath |filename

APJ | WDMD | MYS |/c/Users/vattikun/desktop | MYS*ADPGV*.XML
APJ | WDED | EUR|/c/Users/vattikun/desktop/Payroll Support | EUR*ADPGV*.XML

APJ | WDMD | RER|/c/Users/vattikun/desktop/Payroll Support | RER*ADPGV*.XML

APJ | WDJD | EYZ|/c/Users/vattikun/desktop/Payroll Support | EYZ*ADPGV*.XML

EMA | WDMD | AUS|/c/Users/vattikun/desktop | AUS*ADPGV*.XML
EMA | WDMD | AYS| /c/Users/vattikun/desktop | AYS*ADPGV*.XML

AMS | WDMD |ITI| /c/Users/vattikun/desktop | ITI*ADPGV*.XML
AMS |WDMD |AYS| /c/Users/vattikun/desktop | AYS*ADPGV*.XML

ETIME | WDMD |ADP /c/Users/vattikun/desktop | ADP_WDET_JOBCODE*.XML
ETIME | WDMD |AEP| /c/Users/vattikun/desktop | AEP_WDET_JOBCODE*.XML

Not sure I understand neither your spec nor your code to their entirety. Howsoever, would

awk -F\| -vREG=$1 '
$1 ~ "^" REG    {gsub (/^ | $/, "", $4)
                 print "path =", $4
                 system ("echo cd " $4 " && echo \"in the subshell\" && echo $pwd && echo \"exit subshell\" && exec pwd")
 ' file

come close to what you need?

EDIT: moved thread from "How to Post in the The UNIX and Linux Forums"