How to grep lines in the particular order?

Hi guys,
I am stuck on a simple issue but couldn't find a simple solution. If you have any ideas please help.

I have two files : -

Tue 09/12 Lindsey
Wed 09/13 Randy
Thu 09/14 Susan
Fri 09/15 Randy
Sat 09/16 Lindsey
Sun 09/17 Susan


I want to grep all the lines from FILE1 which contain the pattern in FILE2 and in the same order of FILE2

I tried ' grep -f FILE2 FILE1'

The output is -
Tue 09/12 Lindsey
Wed 09/13 Randy
Fri 09/15 Randy
Sat 09/16 Lindsey

I am getting all the desired lines from FILE1 but NOT in the order present in FILE2.

Required OUTPUT is : -
Fri 09/15 Randy
Tue 09/12 Lindsey
Sat 09/16 Lindsey
Wed 09/13 Randy

Please help if u have some simple solution. Thanks in advance.

I am not aware of a simple solution so would propose a script:

while read TESTLINE; do
  grep "${TESTLINE}" FILE1
done < FILE2

Thanks Tony. It has solved my problem.