How to go to up directory from a given directory in Perl?

I have a Perl script that has a variable for a directory path and I want to define another variable that will navigate to up directory from the given directory path.

This is the given directory path in Perl and this is the way the directory path is derived

use FindBin; 
$apphome = "$FindBin::Bin"; 
use lib "$FindBin::Bin"; 
use getopt::long 
use List::Moreutils qw( any none); 
require "$apphome/basic.funcs";

The $apphome variable will produce this directory path


In the nations directory we have another sub directory that I need to use a $apphome variable to navigate to it. e.g

/apps/cst/cst_ops/nations/bin ---Variable for $apphome
/apps/cst/cst_ops/nations/config ---I need to navigate to this directory in a new variable.

The new variable $config need to use a given path from variable $apphome and navigate to apps/cst/cst_ops/nations/config directory.

Could you please show me on how I can get this done with Perl script?