How to give full permission to a directory?


I have enabled the Apache webserver on my machime.
Apache root directory is /etc/apache2 and the user in which the web server is configured is webservd,I guess.

I have another user called perf.
Under perf user there is /export/home/perf/v9 directory.

I want to give the OS user of the web server full read,write and execute permission to the /export/home/perf/v9 directory.

I have tried chmod command from the root.But It did not work.

Can anybody advise on this,pleae?


It doesn't just need to have the right permissions, it also needs to belong to the right owners.

There's also more than one way to skin a cat.

What is the folder's ownership right now? What is the "os user"? What is your web group?

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the os user is perf and the folder's ownership is with perf right now.

The web group is id 80.

but the group id for perf id dba(100).

Another way to skin the cat in this case would be to use ACLs

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