How to get the values of multipledot(.) separated fields?


I have a file which has the following contents :

thewall............0000000000200000  kmemfreelater......0000000000000000
kmemgcintvl........0000000000000002  kmeminuse..........00000000223411C0
allocated..........0000000029394000  bucket.......... @.F1000A02800C2158

The mentioned values are the hexadecimal values. I need to get the values of thewall and allocated respectively. The problem here is that there can be n number of dots(.) and I am unable to retrieve the respective hexadecimal values because number of dots might vary from server to server.

Please help. Thanks a lot :slight_smile:


Try something like:

sed -n 's/.*thewall[.][.]*\([^[:blank:]]*\).*/\1/p' file
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Hello Can you please explain how the above command works. It worked fine for me :slight_smile:

  1. sed -n (don't print unless we say so)
  2. s/.*thewall[.][.]* (match anything followed by "thewall" followed by one dot followed by zero or more dots)
  3. \([^[:blank:]]*\) (match and capture anything that is not a blank/return)
  4. .* (match anything else)
  5. /\1/ (replace with captured match)
  6. p (print it)

You'd can use the -e option to sed to do multiple things, so you can repeat the construct for "allocated". There could be a problem if there are strings like "anotherthewall" or "somethingelseallocated".

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If it finds a line with "the wall" followed by at least one dot, then it replaces everything on the line, except the part after the dots, this is signified by


which means zero or more characters that are not a space. De escaped parentheses signify a nested subexpression, which is referenced in the replacement part by \1 .
The -n option means do not print, while the p-flag at the end means "print if the substitution was successful"

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