How to get the stack trace using kdb?

Hi All,

I am trying to debug my core file using kdb.
When I try to get the stack trace I am facing this error.

core mapped from @ 700000000000000 to @ 70000000306fc04
Preserving 1680415 bytes of symbol table [/unix]
[kdb_dump_parse_init] Dump does not start with valid magic number
WARNING: Possibly truncated or corrupted dump
[kdb_dump_init_syscfg] Cannot read _system_configuration
WARNING: Version mismatch between unix file and command kdb

can some one please help me to overcome this issue.

Thanks in advance,

"kdb" is only for analysing system core files. Might it be that this is an application core? If so, use "adb", not "kdb".

The errors (wrong magic number and version mismatch) suggest you are analysing the dump on a system with different versions than the one where the dump was created. You need identical versions to be able to analyse the dump correctly.

I hope this helps.


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Many thanks bakunin.