How to get the days of Particular date?

Refer thread

Thanks for reply
I have seen the thread which you have mentioned
can you please explain briefly



I wont understand what is #??? refer to ?

These are parameter substitution that you can perform in any POSIX shell.

Here is the definition from Korn Shell manual:

                               If the shell pattern matches the beginning of
                               the value of parameter, the value of this
                               substitution is the value of the parameter
                               with the matched portion deleted; otherwise
                               the value of this parameter substituted.  In
                               the former case, the smallest matching
                               pattern is deleted; in the latter case, the
                               largest matching pattern is deleted.
                               If the shell pattern matches the end of the
                               value of parameter, the value of parameter
                               with the matched part is deleted; otherwise
                               substitute the value of parameter.  In the
                               former, the smallest matching pattern is
                               deleted; in the latter, the largest matching
                               pattern is deleted.

So in day=${d#??????} matches 6 characters from beginning and is deleted.

I hope this helps.

It might be a good alternative: return 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday etc.

echo "(6 - $( cal $MM $YY | awk 'NR==3' |wc -w ) + ( $DD % 7 ) ) %7" | bc