How to get the correct hash value in perl?


I have 2 dummy strings below.

I am creating a hash.

@str = qw(karnataka,tamilnadu,bihar,mumbai);
@str1 = qw(bangalore,chennai,patna,panaji);
for($i=0;$i<=$#str;$i++) {
push @{ $hash{ $str[$i] } }, $str1[$i];
foreach $key (keys %hash) {
print "\n KEY: $key --- @{$hash{$key}} \n";


 KEY: karnataka,tamilnadu,bihar,mumbai --- bangalore,chennai,patna,panaji

How to print in Key/value pair?

The output should be:

karnataka - Bangalore
tamilnadu -  chennai
bihar       - patna
mumbai   - panaji

If user specifies karnataka as a key it should output as Bangalore.

if(key == karnataka )


print Bangalore;


How can i do this in perl?


my %hash = (
        karnataka => 'bangalore',
        tamilnadu => 'chennai',
        bihar => 'bihar',
        maharashtra => 'mumbai'

foreach my $key (keys %hash ) {
        print "$key -- $hash{$key}" . "\n";

You're pushing in the values completely wrong.

@str = qw(karnataka,tamilnadu,bihar,mumbai);

In this case @str contains only one element, "karnataka,tamilnadu,bihar,mumbai", because qw uses whitespace to split the single elements. So either lose the qw, or replace the commas with a single space character. This also applies to @str1 of course.

Sure thanks,

How to get this part?

 if(key == karnataka )


print Bangalore;


Just read the user input from standard input using the diamond operator ( <> ), and then use that value to access the hash value there ( $hash{key} ). You might want to check if the hash has a value defined for a key first.

my %str = (
        karnataka       =>      'bangalore',
        tamilnadu       =>      'chennai',
        bihar           =>      'patna',
        mumbai          =>      'panaji'
while(my($key,$value)= each(%str)) {
        print "$key - $value\n";
[user@storage12 ~]$ perl
mumbai - panaji
tamilnadu - chennai
karnataka - bangalore
bihar - patna