How to get radio stream URL out of a webpage?


please what is the easiest linux way to get an online radio stream URL out of website player like:

PLAY.CZ - radio player

They may support: Flash, Silverlight, HTML5 audio.
wma, mp3, aac

my web browser dont have any flash technologies and i dont wish to use any. also source code of the website dont show anything

There a quite neat way to stream right from command line:


(above mentioned is another radio, i still dont know how to discover that stream URL/IP from linux)

Everything is obscured in javascript, there is no guarantee this will work the same way on a different page or the same way the next week. Still, checking.

[edit] Their javascript is 170 kilobytes long. This is the sort of situation where I'd hook up my web browser to a proxy and just watch the log of retrieved files.