how to get number of pages in a PDF file


Can anyone please help me providing script to get the number of pages in a PDF file?


Writing a script will not do it. Depending on the software that created the pdf and whether or not it is encrypted is way beyond shell, and probably something a casual C coder would want to try.

Your best bet is to find some software like pdf2txt. Then run it from the command line, and grep for ^L - ascii 12 - which is a page feed. There is probably something like pdf2txt in the open source area, ie., free. Try connecting to Welcome to, use the search engine there, and find pdf conversion software.

Someone else here may know of a free product that is good. I don't.

You might also try using pdf2ps if you have ghostscript, and then using:
"grep -c showpage" on the output file to count the number of pages.

You could also try the pdftk app pdftk - the pdf toolkit

To get the number of pages:
pdftk file.pdf dump_data output | grep -i Num
NumberOfPages: 1

The following is a short shell script which I hacked together based on the PDF Reference V1.7 which seems to do the job across a wide spectrum of PDF document types.

#  USAGE: pdfcount file.pdf

[[ "$#" != "1" ]] && {
   print "ERROR: No file specified"
   exit 1


strings $1 | grep "/Count" |
while read line
   num=${line/*([[:print:]])+(Count )?(-)+({1,4}(\d))*([[:print:]])/\4}
   (( num > numpages)) && numpages=$num

print $numpages

exit 0

Note this shell script is written for ksh93, not pdksh or ksh88. It can easily be ported to other shells but that I will leave as an exercise to the reader.


i�m interestet in your php code for pdf page nummber count.

br ulibo

if you are familiar with Perl, check the PDF CPAN module

something like:


use PDF;
my $filename = shift;

my $this_pdf = PDF->new;
$this_pdf = PDF->new($filename);

print "Has ", $this_pdf->Pages, " Pages \n";

man pdfinfo

PAGES=$( pdfinfo $FOLDER/$FILE | grep 'Pages' - | awk '{print $2}' )

I�ve found the fpdi php class


$pdf =& new FPDI();
$pagecount = $pdf->setSourceFile('MyPDFDocument.pdf');
echo "Pagecount = ".$pagecount;


This solves my Problem