How to get last non-blank line?

Can someone here show how to get the last non-blank line from a text file?

Thank you!

sed '$!d' file.txt

tail -1 file.txt

(sed '$!d' file.txt) doesn't work for me, it returns "sed: Extra characters after command"

(tail -1 file.txt) only give me the last line of the file.txt, but last line or last few lines in file.txt could be empty.

So, I need a way to extract the line in file.txt that has some characters.

awk 'NF{s=$0}END{print s}' file


That's what I got from awk by running your command:
awK: syntax error near line 1
awk: bailing out near line 1

Use nawk or /usr/xpg4/bin/awk on Solaris ...

Not the most eligant but it works:

sed -e '/^[<blank><tab>]*$/d' textfile | sed -n -e '$p'