how to get cvs pserver work with xinetd

I do make sure that in my system (redhat 9.0 with eveything installed)

file cvspserver with correct content
in directory /etc/xinetd.d/

cvspserver 2401/tcp
cvspserver 2401/udp
in file /etc/service

I aslo restart service xinetd

but when I issue command # netstat -lnp | grep cvs
the system echo nothing ,so i think the service cvspserver does not working


what is the problem ? can anybody help me!

So, do you get connection refused error when you do a

telnet 2401

? Or more directly, can you use pserver to actually connect to the cvs server?

Are you sure the "disable = yes" line frequently seen in prepackaged xinetd config is set to "disable = no" instead?