How to get all the .so files?

Dear all,

I have succesfully installed the redhat-6, But while installing a .rpm package i got to know it has missing a lot of .so (libraries) in it. Can you suggest how to get all the libraries . I do not want to download all .so files one by one .

Can i get whole list at once ?


Can't you use the software repository to install the needed software and the depended libraries?

It doesn't work like that. You do not download anything by hand, except if you want to put a program in /usr/local directory. Always use the package manager. If you start installing things by hand, you will create a giant mess.

I have not much idea about the package manager, after few try got to know something on this. But still confuse about this.

Here i am trying to install the Mplayer, i got the respective .rpm . while trying to install those package getting libraries dependency.
Can you suggest what command should i go for auto download of these dependecy.

I don't use RPM I use APT so I am not the best person to ask about RPM. But I would think the basic idea is the same. I always use the standard APT commands such as apt-get command. I never try to "bypass" the system, unless I untar something to a personal directory. Sometimes APT reports a dependency problem, as you are encountering with RPM. When that happens, I just keep trying different APT options, removing things, forcing things, etc. and it finally resolves. But I never try installing .so files by hand, because I am concerned that would confuse the package manager. It is possible that RPM is different in some basic way that would require installing .so files by hand, but that would require an RPM expert to suggest.

If you are installing packages, it would really help to study the package manager more.

How do I install mplayer on Centos / RHEL ?