How to Get 60 days Old date from current date in KSH script

Hi i am writing a cron job.
so for it i need the 60 days old date form current date in variable.

Like today date is 27 jan 2011 then output value will be stote in variable in formet Nov 27.
i am using EST date, and tried lot of solution and see lot of post but it did not helpful for me. so i need a short script which gives me such output.

Thanx in Advance

Ah.....there is a FAQ for that.

I have also done page which include two tools and also examples for date calculation:

  • using ksh printf
  • using GNU date

Hi Frds

thanx for your Rply

grt thanx to Perderabo for his datecalc function

my next question to Perderabo

can you plz explain me date2jd and jd2date,lastday Function.

waiting for your Rply
