how to generate html file using script?

Hi Friends

I have an requirement that i need to generate html file using script.

and the script output shold keep adding to that html file like tablewise.

can anyone please help me out in this.


sure this is possible but without any sample input data and wished output format nobody will help you in this.

Agreed. I use bash scripts for my cgi and output plenty of data, building HTML on the fly.

For example, I have a help topics page for my wife that is entirely scripts. I add a small text file, and the script formats it and puts it on the webpage in alphabetical order.



would be the name of the text file, and inside would be some simple information.

Here's a copy of a script named ShowHelp.cgi that would be called from index.shtml (SSI must be enabled) and would output the text files:

printf 'content-type: text/html\n\n'
LST=`ls|grep -v cgi|grep -v html`
for i in $LST
  NM=`echo $i|tr '_' ' '`
  printf "<tr><td align=justify bgcolor=white><center><a name=$LNK>Note $cnt:<b>��$NM</b></center><br>"
  printf '<table border=0 align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 bgcolor=white><tr><td align=justify>'
  cat $i
  printf "<p align=center><a href=#TOP>Top of Page</a></p>"
  printf "</td></tr></table>"
  printf "</td></tr>"

Hopefully that will help, but as scarfake said, without some information of what precisely you need, we're just guessing.