How to force the IP address working right now?

Hi all!

After I assigned the IP address to one machine V890, ce0 NIC, with, subnetmask is successfully, however, when I pinged to the other machine, I did not receviced any reply message.

Would you like to guide me?

Thank you very much!

What is the result of the command: ifconfig -a

if you are on solaris 10 please post also the output of

dladm show-dev
dladm show-link

You need to plumb your card first
ifconfig ce0 plumb
after, configure your ip address
ifconfig ce0 up
try to ping your ip from the same system
and try to ping another system after.

Look if your have 2 nic on the system.

Thank you, but I did not ping to the other system.
This is the result from plumb:

#ifconfig ce0 plumb
ifconfig : SIOCSLIFNAME for ip : ce0 : already exists 
#ifconfig ce0 up
ICMP Host Unreachable from gateway database (

database is my host name


Thank you, I am using Solaris 10 on V890 Sparc, and the result from your command are:

#dladm show-dev
ge0       link:unknown   speed:0    Mbps   duplex:unknown
eri0       link:unknown   speed:0    Mbps   duplex:unknown
ce0       link:unknown   speed:0    Mbps   duplex:unknown

#dladm show-link
ge0       type:legacy     mtu:1800      device:ge0
eri0       type:legacy     mtu:1800      device:eri0
ce0       type:legacy     mtu:1800      device:ce0

The NIC I already use is ce0.

Thank again!

the ifconfig -a output is also needed.

Thanks for all!

I had a simple mistake: Put the wrong NIC - port. :smiley: