how to force output to screen??

is there anyway i can force a output of a command to the monitor.
for example

banner hello > /dev/console

it will show a hello in the console, so how do i make it to appear on the monitor screen when the console is been minmize.

You could use a syslog configuration and use the logger command to do this.


Code: say : fatal: : open failed : No such file or directory KILLed

what does it means and how do i solve it ???


May be will help you, there is also perl-extension X::Osd - Perl extension to the X On Screen Display library (xosd) -

hi Hitori,

       sorry, i am using unix sh machine. so i am nt sure whether the link have any use. But Thanks anyway. Do u have any links or website about unix sh code on 

[ say : fatal: : open failed : No such file or directory KILLed]..???

Thank You

Do you need sh-scripting?? Then look at Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide

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