How to for awk print divide value more than 10000?

I have a text file with data in the following format.

042240.Thor!Loki: Asgard>Seus>/usr/Valhalla/Niflheim/Asgardianos/ Success => Diff time: 25689 msec, Energy loss = 212, Subr = 6969]
042240.Thor!Cap: Asgard>Hera>/usr/Valhalla/Niflheim/Asgardianos/ call service
042240.Thor!Ironman: Asgard>Hel>/usr/Valhalla/Niflheim/Asgardianos/ Success => Diff time: 202 msec, Energy loss = 1324, Subr = 7979]
042240.Thor!Loki: Asgard>Hera>/usr/Valhalla/Niflheim/Asgardianos/ Success => Diff time: 35991 msec, Energy loss = 748, Subr = 8989]
042240.Thor!Loki: Asgard>Hera>/usr/Valhalla/Niflheim/Asgardianos/ Success => Diff time: 10037 msec, Energy loss = 756, Subr = 5959]

I want to print all the lines where > Diff time: 10000 msec

042240.Thor!Loki: Asgard>Seus>/usr/Valhalla/Niflheim/Asgardianos/ Success => Diff time: 25689 msec, Energy loss = 212, Subr = 6969]
042240.Thor!Loki: Asgard>Hera>/usr/Valhalla/Niflheim/Asgardianos/ Success => Diff time: 35991 msec, Energy loss = 748, Subr = 8989]
042240.Thor!Loki: Asgard>Hera>/usr/Valhalla/Niflheim/Asgardianos/ Success => Diff time: 10037 msec, Energy loss = 756, Subr = 5959]


awk '/Diff time:/ && $(NF-8)>10000' file