how to find whats filling up Root Directory

Hi guys

I am running AIX 5.3 and a newbie to it.

And I am getting reports telling me that the Root Directory is reaching almost max capacity, can someone give m some advice to find out what files are causing it to grow? , or how I can identify the growing files?


you can use du command to find out the disk usage


du -sk * | sort -nr | head

Thank you I shall try that now :smiley:

that's one thing only. you may use the find command with -size to find files of more than 100MB (or whatever your wish) and see if there are big files lying around

you may use this...

find [SEARCH_PATH] -type f -size +[MEG_BYTES]000000c


I use this to find my big file bud do not use it in / as it will find all the big files on a system.

This version will only give you name and size and sort it by the bigest at the top.

ls -asR |sort -nr |nawk '/total / {size=($21024) /1024000;print ""; printf "Total %6.3fMB ",size;print ""; exit}; {size=($11024)/1024000;printf "%4.3fmg %s",size,$2;print ""}' |pg

You can also use #ls -lrt |tail to find the latest file newly generated/growing and take necessary action.