How to find VMware info from Linux?

Hi, I have two questions about Linux with VMware:

(1) How to tell if the system is real or VMware virtual from a Linux platform without root privilege? (root can use 'dmidecode | grep -i vmware). The command 'dmesg | grep -i vmware' run by everyone is not always working for this purpose.

(2) How to find the VMware server name that hosts this Linux virtual system?


There's a roundabout trick for (1): run /sbin/ifconfig and look at the hardware address of the NICs. If it starts with any of "00:05:69", "00:0C:29", "00:1C:14", or "00:50:56" it's a VMware virtual machine.

Yes. /sbin/ifconfig can be run by regular users, so this tip is an excellent one. Thank you Sir.

How about the second question?