How to find the .Xdefault file

Hi All,

1.How to put the script in the init file(startup).
2.I would like to change the Foreground color for the X terminla.Default is white.
I don't want that.


Read man chkconfig if you like to do startup via init, or add program as a script-line to .xinitrc if you like it be started with X (it will work only with startx, not DMs), or use your WM's specific function.


I have written this Auto mount using script.

xterm -e mount/filesrv
xterm -e /root/parameters/
xterm -e /root/parameters/prnscript/
xterm -e /root/parameters/

After executing this script, I am getting 6 screens. In the 6 screens 3 are fine and other three I am geeting the Prompt. I supposed to get only 3 screens.
