How to find the duplex speed on Windows


In UNIX, it's very easy to find the duplex speed. But in Windows, is there a easy way to find the duplex speed? I can't go to over 100 servers to find this out, I was wondering if I run one command to do this?

Please advice.

I was able to find the answer, download " getif SNMP utility" it's a freeware tool. This gives every thing you can think of.

Duplex and speed in Windows XP are supported by the driver.

As such there is no uniform way to check, it depends on your chipset and manufacturer.

You can make all kinds of odd gyrations (parsing registry, vbscript etc), but all of them are after market.

It is much easier to have managed switches and check from the other side. Or just use gigabit that can really only do full duplex.