how to find out the file's name excluding string?

Under one directory, I can use below command to find out the file names with string "Export terminated successfully without warnings"

grep -i -l "Export terminated successfully without warnings" *.*

My question is : how I find out the file names without including string
"Export terminated successfully without warnings"

Thank you

I am unclear on your question.
You want to search for files containing a specific string without using that string in the command?

Thanks for response.
I am sorry for confusing.
I want to find out the files without containing a specific pattern (like example here:"Export terminated successfully without warnings")

Thank you

Try this.

for file in `ls`
if (`grep -i -l "Export terminated successfully without warnings" $file` == "")
print $file

Or this
find . -type f -exec grep -v -H "Export terminated successfully without warnings" {} \;

sorry,seems like above command won't work